
Huapi is not only our name, it has also become our mission. Huapi is island in Mapuche, a South American aborigen language. For us, Huapi has become the union of our home countries in South America and our current home in New Zealand. We found that with Huapi we can bring a little of our South American culture to New Zealand, by creating eats that not only transport us to our roots, but also transport you there.

All of our eats are produced entirely in New Zealand with our original family recipes. We pride ourselves on only using natural and locally sourced ingredients, which is what makes our eats monumental.

Who is us?

We are Samuel, Catalina and Valentina. Two Argentinians and one Chilean who are not only passionate about food, but about the way it makes us feel. We were raised in a way that food meant unity in our households, it brought us together in every moment, making those memorable. We hope that we are able to share that feeling with you all, which is why we created Huapi.
We hope you love it, as much as we love making it.

Sam, Cata and Vale